Interpersonal & Individual Commitments - Anticipate and Respond to Inherent Emotional Challenges of Physician Work.
"Certain challenges to well-being are inherent to physician work and expected over the course of a career, including adverse events, patient deaths, and exposure to human pain and distress. Incorporating coping strategies for such experiences into training and continuing education may help mitigate their effect, promote emotional awareness, and normalize seeking support. Organizations could aid physicians by integrating regular protected opportunities for debriefing within the workday and by building professional support systems to address the influence of adverse events on physicians and other members of the health care team."
from the Charter on Physician Well-Being, JAMA. 2018;319(15):1541-1542. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1331
from the Charter on Physician Well-Being, JAMA. 2018;319(15):1541-1542. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1331
Research, Articles & Ideas
Peer to Peer Programs
Confidential, personal outreach and support to providers involved in a significant or adverse event without fear of disclosure. Brigham and Women's Hospital's Dr. Jo Shapiro is a leader in this movement and the program is offered locally at both Saint Alphonsus and St. Luke's. |
SW Idaho Resources
Schwartz Center Rounds
Schwartz Rounds are a place where people who don’t usually talk about the heart of the work are willing to share their vulnerability, to question themselves. These monthly interdisciplinary forums provide a opportunity for dialogue that does not usually happen anywhere else in the hospital. Available at Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. For more information, contact Dr. Sheila Giffen (208) 367-5229 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
CISD is designed to mitigate the impact of life-threatening crises that require rescue or emergency care. These incidents evoke strong emotional responses from health care workers. The goal is to facilitate their return to routine functioning, and to prevent pathological responses to the trauma that is an inherent aspect of their profession. CISD is available at St. Luke's, Saint Alphonsus, and Full Circle Health |